Lõunasöögiks sõime me šnitslit mingist juurviljast ja salatit. Sõime kõik koos õues ühe laua taga. Peale lõunasööki hakkas vihma sadama ja kõik jooksid õues ringi. Kolisime oma töötoa tuppa kus olid lasteaia mõõtudes üliarmsad lauad ja toolid. Meriendaks (oode(?)) oli chipita(barankakujuline juustuküpsis maisijahust) ja küpsised ja todi (nescafè kakao).
Kui kõik töötoad olid läbi vaatasime mingit filmi tulnukatest ja universumikuningast aga ma olin niii väsinud et ma ei jõudnud üldse süveneda. Pärast kui film läbi sai siis ma sain teada et suht kõik magasid mingi osa sellest filmist maha. Õhtusööki sõime köögis, õhtusöögiks olid võileivad ja cocido (piimaga "tee"). Siis pikutasime niisama toas ja rääkisime juttu. Mingi hetk leidis keegi mingi mürgise sajajalgse meie toast ja suure paanikaga tappis keegi ta lõpuks ära. Pärast kui ma Leonie ja Valeriega (Saksa tüdrukud) juttu rääkisin ja lakke vaatasin nägin ma silmanurgast enda seljataga seinal jälle ühte sajajalgset ja karjusin "It's back!!!!!!!!!". Valerie jooksis kohe minema aga Leonie viskas sajajalgse lihtsalt aknast välja.
Laupäeva hommikul istusime sakslastega minilaua taga minitoolidel ja ootasime infot eesoleva päeva kohta kui Viviana (YFU vabatahtlik) avastas laualt vahvlid ja chipita ja me hakkasime neid sööma. Keegi ütles et huvitav kas see on mõeldud meile hommikusöögiks või linna kaasa. Tuli välja et see pakk chipitat ja vahvleid tõesti oligi meie hommikusöök. Lisaks veel cocido. Peale hommikusööki jalutasime kõik koos umbes 1,5 kilomeetri kaugusele caacupe linna. Tee peale jäid banaanipuud!!! Linnas läksime ühte tähtsasse kirikusse ja üles kirikutorni, Vivi pildistas kõiki ja tegime grupipilte ka. Peale seda jalutasime tagasi "koju". Toimus veel paar töötuba, energizerid. Lõunasöögi ajaks tulid ka need lapsed kes seal majas koolis käivad lõunat sööma. Me kõik tutvustasime ennast neile ja nemad lugesid meile oma palve ja siis me läksime YFUkatega tuppa oma sojaburgereid ja grillvorste sööma ja lapsed sõid õues spagette hakklihaga ja torti.
Meile anti ülesanne teha esitlus Paraguay kultuuri kohta ja vabatahtlikud tegid ise ka etenduse. Mõlemad etendused olid nii naljakad, et lihtsalt enamuse ajast meie proovis ma naersin. Ja kui vabatahtlikud õues oma etendust esitasid ja me kõik verandal ja trepil istusime ja seda vaatasime ja naersime siis ma hakkasin mõtlema kui tähtsat rolli kõik need inimesed keda ma veel paar kuud tagasi näinidki polnud mu elus mängivad ja kui kalliks nad kõik mulle saanud on. Siis otsustasime mäe otsa ronida, kuna majast paarisaja meetri kaugusel oli mitmesaja meetri kõrgune mägi. Kogu see minek algas minujaoks suhteliselt halvasti sest okastraadi alt läbipugemine läks seekord raskemalt kuna traate oli mitu ja ma kriimustasin oma selja katki :( Pärast kui tagasi tulime ja Sandra mu haavakest puhastas siis kõik haletsesid mind aga ma lihtsalt naersin sest ma ei tea ühtegi teist nii kohmetut inimest kui mina. Umbes pool mäge oli kogu ronimine väga lihtne kuna oli olemas kividest "trepp", üsna järsk ja katkine aga siiski, kuid teine pool oli üle suuuurte kivide ja läbi okste ja ämblike. Kuid kui me lõpuks kohale jõudsime oli kogu see vaade ja see tunne seda kõike väärt. Istusime seal mäetipus pool tundi kindlasti. Tagasi läksime trepist, poole tee peale jäi väga veider vineerilaadsest materjalist "maja". See oli suht õudne sest katusel oli elusuuruses nukk ja veel hunnik asju ja majas raadio või telekas mängis ja trepil oli katkine tugitool. Ma natuke aega vaatasin seda Eliasega ja arutasin et mis ohverdusi või rituaale siin teha võidakse ja siis otsustasin et targem on lihtsalt jooksu pista. Valerie oli sama teinud. Kui tagasi oma majja jõudsime hakkasime sakslastega pitsasid valmistama. Mina ja Sophie tegime ilma lihata ja Leonie ja Valerie lihaga. Kokku tuli umbes 10 pitsat, üks neist oli Superpitsa, neljakordse juustu, topeltmaisi ja -paprikaga. Köögis avastasime ka selle kuidas seda cocidot tegelikult valmistatakse. Söega. Yerba matet keedetakse potis koos suhkru ja söega. Pitsasid küpsetasid poisid õues ahjus kus need 5 minutiga valmis said. Ma korjasin päris palju komplimente oma Superpitsa kohta. Seejärel rääkisid kõik õpilased ühe YFU töötajaga eraldi oma muredest ja kõigest millest tahtsid rääkida. See oli väga hea, et selline laagri osa olemas oli ning et aeg polnud piiratud ega ette antud. Samal ajal teised valmistasid lõkkeplatsi. Kui ma Eliasele oma mured ära kurtnud olin läksin Viviga oksasid otsima, sest mul olid vahukommid kaasas ja ma tahtsin neid lõkkes küpsetada. Valmistasime 8 küpsetusvarrast ja siis istusime lõkke ääres ja Arni mängis kitarri ja me sõime vahukomme.
Pühapäeva hommikul äratas Vivi meid oma Lorde lauluga üles ja me pakkisime oma asjad kokku. Sõime köögis moosisaiu ja chipitat ja ma jõin cocidot kuigi nüüd ma vaatasin seda hoopis teise pilguga. Siis mängisime võrkpalli pooltühja jalgpalliga. Varsti jätsimegi pererahvaga hüvasti ja sõitsime Areguasse et randa minna. Bussis mängis 70ndate muusika ja kõik demonstreerisid oma tantsu. Tee peal ostsime maasikamahla ja mingid väga imelikud puuviljad mis ainult mulle maitsesid. Rannas oli aga kontsert ja me ei tahtnud piletit osta. Läksime hoopis jäätist sööma ja siis lõunat sööma. Jalutasime ka müügilettide vahel ringi kus müüdi taimi ja aia jaoks loomade kujusid. Seejärel sõitsimegi tagasi kontorisse, kõik olid nii väsinud. Kui tagasi koju jõudsin läksin Janini ja ta sõbrannadega kinno ja ma sain peaaegu kõigest aru mida nad rääkisid!!!!! See üks nädalavahetus andis nii palju juurde. Aga halb oli see et ma olin väga väga väsinud ja kui me kinost tulles sööma läksime nägin ma igal pool tuttavaid. Kes tegelikult ei olnud mu tuttavad, ma lihtsalt nägin valesti KOGU AEG. Ja kuulsin ka tuttavate inimeste hääli ja nimesid. Lisaks kuulsin ma hispaania keele asemel saksa keelt vahepeal. Väga vastik tunne oli.
Muidugi Asuncion on väike ja ma paari tuttavat ikka nägin, Leoniet YFUst ka, kuigi me just bussis rääkisime et kui koju jõuame läheme kohe magama :D
Kokkuvõtteks ma ütlen nii palju et see laager oli väga väga tore, oli näha et kõik tegid oma asja südamega ja kuna meid oli nii vähe said nad teha selle keskaasta orientatsiooni hoooopis teistmoodi kui mujal riikides. Kõik need töötoad andsid mulle selle motivatsiooni ja abi mida mul praegusel hetkel vaja on aga ma olen kindel et mäkke ronimist ja pitsade tegemist ja seda armsat maja kus me olime jään ma väga kauaks mäletama.
And now for all my Paraguayan and German readers the same text in English.
First of all I have to say I've been in Paraguay for 4,5 months already and this time has passed too fast. And even though 4,5 months is not half of the year yet we had our middle-year orientation this weekend. We planned to start driving to the camp at 8 o´clock but here is "Hora Paraguaya" and so at 9 o´clock we started taking things to the bus. The bus that took us to the camp was "colectivo" with not very soft seats but we could open the windows and there was only about 12 people in the bus so we had much space. When we were almost at the destination the bus couldn´t drive anymore up the sandy hill so we took our things and walked there. For not walking a circle around the house while looking for a gate we just threw our things over the fence and crawled under the barbed wire. At the house YFU workers and the peope who lived there were already waiting for us. They explained us that in this house is a school for children who can´t go to regular school. The house where we stayed was a pink house made from stone with a beautiful terrace. Some walls between rooms were made from a material that remained me of cardboard. In the rooms there were many children toys and scholastic materials. We slept in three different rooms, most people on the floor. In the house there was only one bathroom which had water only in the morning and at night. Also while you were taking a shower the electricity went off at least once. And there was no mirror. In the other house there was a kitchen and the houseowners lived there with their children and dog. They welcomed us so warmly that the house felt like home the moment we got there. And the house had really big beautiful yard with trees and swings and volleyball court. In the beginning of orientation they gave us name tags and we started laughing because we know each other´s and volunteers names for a long time already. Then we had workshops. Most of the workshops were outdoors at terrace, we sat on the floor. They talked to us about school and family and friends and all the other important topics, todo en español.. But I understood everything!!!!! And as I complained in my blog about my spanish I also complained to Arni and Elias from YFU when I met them some weeks ago. So they did one of the most important workshop, "dream back in time" or something with me in English.
For lunch we ate milanesa from some kind of vegetable. After lunch it started raining and almost all the others ran outside in rain. We moved our workshop indoors to a room where there were really cute kindergarten sized chairs and table. For merienda we ate cookies and chipita and drank todi.
When all the workshops were over we wathed a movie about a universe king and other planets or something. I was really tired and couldn´t consentrate at all. When the movie was over I found out almost all the other slept at some part of the movie. The dinner we had at kitchen, we ate sandwiches and drank cocido. After that we just stayed in our room and talked. Before somebody had found a poisonous insect in our room and due to the huge panic in the room someone killed it. At night when I talked to Leonie and Valerie I saw from the corner of my eye a centipede or something and screamed "it´s back!!". Valerie ran away but Leonie just threw it out of the window.
On saturday morning we sat on the mini-chairs and talked when Vivi found waffles and chipita from the table and we started eating them. Someone asked if we think these are meant for the breakfast or maybe for taking with us to the city. Turned out that they really were our breakfast. And cocido. After the breakfast we walked about 1,5 kilometres to the city of Caacupe. On the way there were banana trees!!! At the city we went to a really important basilica, in the "tower" of the church Vivi took photos of us. After that we walked back "home". We had some more workshops and energizers. For the lunch the children who go to this school also came to have lunch there. We introduced ourselves and listened them saying their prayers. After that we went to eat our soy burgers and asado and the children ate outdoors pasta and cake.
Later we were asked to make a presentation about the culture of Paraguay. Both of the plays were so funny. I laughed almost all the time we were making it. And when the volunteers presented their play and we all sat on the stairs and terrace and laughed while watching it I started to think about how important role these people I hadn´t even seen some months ago play in my life right now. After that we decided to climb a hill (for me it´s a mountain but whatever..) because we had a some hundred metres high hill really near the house. All this climbing started really bad for me because crawling under this barbed wire went a little more difficult this time and I got stuck there and scratched my back :( When we got back and Sandra cleaned my small wound everybody watched it like it´s something really serious but I just laughed because I don´t know anybody else who is SO awkward and clumsy. About half of the hill was really easy to climb because there was a "stairway" from rocks, kind of steep but it´s better than nothing, but the other half was over the rocks and through the branches. But when we finally got there the view was worth it all. We sat there for at least half an hour. Back we went from stairs, on the way there was a really weird house made from plywood or something. It was kind of scary because there was a big doll and other stuff on the roof and inside the house radio or TV was playing and there was a broken armchair on the stairway. I looked at it for some time with Elias and discussed what kind of weird sacrifices people may be doing there and decided it´s better to just run away. Valerie had done the same. When we got home we started making pizzas. Me and Sophie made vegetarian ones and Leonie and Valerie with ham. We made about 10 pizzas, one of them was superpizza with 4 layers of cheese, double choclo and paprika (locote). In the kitchen we discovered how they really make the cocido. With carbon. Yerba mate is boiled with carbon and sugar. Guys cooked the pizzas outdoors in one traditional oven. I got much compliments for my superpizza (I asked for complimets but whatever). After that all the students talked to one volunteer about their problems and everything they wanted to talk about. It was really good that there was part like this in the program and that there was no time limit. At the same time others prepared campfire. When I had finished talking with Elias about my problems I went with Vivi to find branches for baking marshmallows at campfire. Then we went back to campfire, ate the marshmallows and Arni played guitar and sang.
Sunday morning Vivi woke us up with Lorde song. We packed our things and went to kitchen to eat bread with marmelada and chipita. I also drank cocido but I saw it in a different way now. Then we played volleyball with soft football. Soon we had to say goodbye to the people who lived there and went to Aregua. In the bus there was 70´s music playing and everybody showed their dance moves. On the way we bought strawberry juice and some weird fruits that only I liked. We also went to eat ice-cream. Then we wanted to go to playa but there was a concert and we didn´t want to buy a ticket. So we went to eat lunch. At Aregua we walked around the market where they sold garden decorations. After that we drove back to office, everybody was so tired. When I got back home we went to cinema with Janine and her friends. I understood almost everything they talked about!!!!!!!! This weekend helped my Spanish so much. But I was really tired when we went to shopping and cine and I saw the people I know all the time. Except I actually didn´t know them. I just saw strangers as my friends all the time. I also heard the voices and names of my friends, it felt really weird. I also heard instead of spanish german sometimes.
But Asuncion is small so I saw really some of my friends. For example I met Leonie from YFU, even though we both said when we get home we will go straight to sleep.
When all the workshops were over we wathed a movie about a universe king and other planets or something. I was really tired and couldn´t consentrate at all. When the movie was over I found out almost all the other slept at some part of the movie. The dinner we had at kitchen, we ate sandwiches and drank cocido. After that we just stayed in our room and talked. Before somebody had found a poisonous insect in our room and due to the huge panic in the room someone killed it. At night when I talked to Leonie and Valerie I saw from the corner of my eye a centipede or something and screamed "it´s back!!". Valerie ran away but Leonie just threw it out of the window.
On saturday morning we sat on the mini-chairs and talked when Vivi found waffles and chipita from the table and we started eating them. Someone asked if we think these are meant for the breakfast or maybe for taking with us to the city. Turned out that they really were our breakfast. And cocido. After the breakfast we walked about 1,5 kilometres to the city of Caacupe. On the way there were banana trees!!! At the city we went to a really important basilica, in the "tower" of the church Vivi took photos of us. After that we walked back "home". We had some more workshops and energizers. For the lunch the children who go to this school also came to have lunch there. We introduced ourselves and listened them saying their prayers. After that we went to eat our soy burgers and asado and the children ate outdoors pasta and cake.
Later we were asked to make a presentation about the culture of Paraguay. Both of the plays were so funny. I laughed almost all the time we were making it. And when the volunteers presented their play and we all sat on the stairs and terrace and laughed while watching it I started to think about how important role these people I hadn´t even seen some months ago play in my life right now. After that we decided to climb a hill (for me it´s a mountain but whatever..) because we had a some hundred metres high hill really near the house. All this climbing started really bad for me because crawling under this barbed wire went a little more difficult this time and I got stuck there and scratched my back :( When we got back and Sandra cleaned my small wound everybody watched it like it´s something really serious but I just laughed because I don´t know anybody else who is SO awkward and clumsy. About half of the hill was really easy to climb because there was a "stairway" from rocks, kind of steep but it´s better than nothing, but the other half was over the rocks and through the branches. But when we finally got there the view was worth it all. We sat there for at least half an hour. Back we went from stairs, on the way there was a really weird house made from plywood or something. It was kind of scary because there was a big doll and other stuff on the roof and inside the house radio or TV was playing and there was a broken armchair on the stairway. I looked at it for some time with Elias and discussed what kind of weird sacrifices people may be doing there and decided it´s better to just run away. Valerie had done the same. When we got home we started making pizzas. Me and Sophie made vegetarian ones and Leonie and Valerie with ham. We made about 10 pizzas, one of them was superpizza with 4 layers of cheese, double choclo and paprika (locote). In the kitchen we discovered how they really make the cocido. With carbon. Yerba mate is boiled with carbon and sugar. Guys cooked the pizzas outdoors in one traditional oven. I got much compliments for my superpizza (I asked for complimets but whatever). After that all the students talked to one volunteer about their problems and everything they wanted to talk about. It was really good that there was part like this in the program and that there was no time limit. At the same time others prepared campfire. When I had finished talking with Elias about my problems I went with Vivi to find branches for baking marshmallows at campfire. Then we went back to campfire, ate the marshmallows and Arni played guitar and sang.
Sunday morning Vivi woke us up with Lorde song. We packed our things and went to kitchen to eat bread with marmelada and chipita. I also drank cocido but I saw it in a different way now. Then we played volleyball with soft football. Soon we had to say goodbye to the people who lived there and went to Aregua. In the bus there was 70´s music playing and everybody showed their dance moves. On the way we bought strawberry juice and some weird fruits that only I liked. We also went to eat ice-cream. Then we wanted to go to playa but there was a concert and we didn´t want to buy a ticket. So we went to eat lunch. At Aregua we walked around the market where they sold garden decorations. After that we drove back to office, everybody was so tired. When I got back home we went to cinema with Janine and her friends. I understood almost everything they talked about!!!!!!!! This weekend helped my Spanish so much. But I was really tired when we went to shopping and cine and I saw the people I know all the time. Except I actually didn´t know them. I just saw strangers as my friends all the time. I also heard the voices and names of my friends, it felt really weird. I also heard instead of spanish german sometimes.
But Asuncion is small so I saw really some of my friends. For example I met Leonie from YFU, even though we both said when we get home we will go straight to sleep.
I want to say that this YFU camp was so great, I saw how all the people did their thing with heart and since there wasn´t much people they had a chance to do it completely differently than other countries. All these workshops gave me the motivation and help I needed right now but I will probably remember this mountain climbing and making the pizzas and also this beautiful house for a really long time!